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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  June 23, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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11 days after he was shot and killed by an atlanta police officer, rayshard brooks was laid to rest. dr. king's daughter, the reverend bernese a. king, said she knew the pain of growing up without a father. rayshard brooks' life matters, she said, and he should have been able to live to enjoy his family and watch his kids grow into adulthood. reverend king added it was especially troubling that he was killed in a city that he called home and the mecca of civil rights. he leaves a widow and a 3-year-old daughter and a stepson. the news continues. i'm going to hand things over to chris for "cuomo prime time." chris? >> all right. thank you, anderson, and thank you for helping us remember the right things in the right way. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." look, we have to be on the same
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page about reality. the pandemic will be with us for a while. period. every place that ignores that reality and the recommended masks and measures will suffer. we see it time and again. we have to hear and accept this and act on it because you and i, we are the key. you have to take care of yourself, and by doing that, i think you because it helps protect me and my family. forget trump. he does not want what the rest of us must want right now with this pandemic. believing who he has shown you he is for the umteenth time. he values praise over your protection. even in arizona where cases are popping. he didn't even talk about it.
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look, of course trump continues to call covid-19 "the kung flu". he is a demagogue who plays to bigotry. he wants you to blame the chinese and see them as an "other". that's what and who he is. take is from someone who's known him most of my adult life. that's who he's always been. if any of you want this country to come close to its promise, forget about me needing to call out the obvious, you must reject the bigotry. you must demand that a president get this poison of us versus them out of his mendacity-ridden maul. there is no debate. he is a demagogue. that's not an argument. it is a fact. deny, lie, defy.
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this is what he does. once and always his plan is simple. divide us and conquer a second term. if you do not like him or that, don't vote for him. that's your choice. but know this. if you do support him, you own all of what he says and does. he put more effort in a wall that was grossly oversold as a fix for immigration and refused to dot things he could have early on and said all the worst things he could to expose more of us to this virus. you own that. there is no question he could have done more and better and chose not to, and we are all paying the price. period.
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it is not an opinion. and if you need the reality of who he is proven you once again, that he is all about the "me" and forget about the "we," here. >> when you do testing to that extend, you're going to find more people, you're going to find more cases. so i said to my people, slow the testing down, please. >> no one who gives a rat's ass about anyone else asks for less testing in a pandemic. okay? the only reason to do something as stupid as that is to minimize what you and i know about the spread. and then ms. i'll never lie to you said this. >> it was a comment that he made in jest. it's a comment that he made in passing. he was joking about the media and their failure to understand the fact that when you test more you also find more cases.
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>> if this were abbott and cost lo ello, one of them would do this. what is she even saying. look, this is what happens, mcelhinney can lie about me. if you refuse to accept the reality that this president lies to the american people, you will never have credibility from the media or the masses, and that is exactly where she finds herself today. but trump did what he does best, threw her right under the bus. listen. >> i don't kid. let me just tell you, testing is a double-edged sword. in one way it tells you you have cases. in another way you find out where the cases are. >> that doesn't even make sense either. what he meant to say was, it tells you how many cases there are. that's good, right? tells you where they are.
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that's good, right? so what's the other edge? is that it's bad for him because it shows there are more cases and he wants you to believe that covid's no big thing. so who's lying? both of them. he never said that to anyone about reducing the testing, but he wasn't joking. he wasn't sarcastic. he was being cynical. he believes that he can win by making you angry and by being an agent for your outrage. look, he is the president of the united states. his words and actions demand exposure, if only out of respect for the office. but he is not about getting us to a better place on this pandemic. you have to know that by now. thank god some on his team are. that's why he wants the glow of fauci to illuminate his lackluster efforts and toxic talk. you saw his tweet. it's been all over the place,
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right? first he wasn't sure about fauci. put up the tweet. first he wasn't sure about fauci, right? remember that? there's a little bit of trash talk about tony fauci. maybe he's on the outs. remember that?? and then what did the trumpers do? they responded by threatening the man, going after his family, because that's what trumpers want to do when stoked to anger by trump. but now tony fauci, and rightly so, who's been straight with you, who's been honest, who's been cautious, has got high ratings. so the president says, well, then i should, too. be nice to me. no. no, you don't get what tony fauci gets. why? because you don't say what tony fauci says. you make things up. you say stupid things about what you should drink and what can end this and the magic. and you put them on the spot and you embarrass them and then you hide them.
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because you don't like what they say. seen tony fauci on this show any time recently? you think it's a coincidence that you don't see dr. birx, that you don't see the heads of the agencies, that this is the only time in recent american history where the people who are in charge of dealing with something that affects all of us are kept from all of us? the cdc director says this virus has brought our nation to its knees. have you heard trump say that? that's why you don't see so much of the cdc director. so now that we know the reality, now that there can be no hiding from it, what do we do about it? that's the right question for us to start on and we have a great person to help answer it. dr. thomas frieden. he was the head of the cdc. he understands this. thank you very much for being on the show, doc, as always. the idea -- i'm not going to burden you with the, are you sure it's bad? are people still really getting
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sick? we don't play stupid here. people know that we have a problem. the question is, are we able to put this behind us any time soon as a country? yes or no. and if yes, how so? >> well, chris, the virus is still out there. we may be sick and tired of staying home, but the virus is not tired of making us sick. you really have to compare the u.s. with other countries around the world. my organization, we work all around the world and the u.s. response is just lagging. we're not doing what we need to do to keep physically distant. we're not across the country scaling up contact tracing as effectively as needed so we can prevent cases from exploding into clusters and outbreaks. and, chris, i'll give you just a couple of numbers to think about. 30. 30 cases in seoul, south korea. yesterday.
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and that made them really concerned. they're focussing on it. they're going to stop themso that they can keep economic growth going and society going. 30,000. that's the number of cases we had in the u.s. some people are trying to say, not a big deal. >> that's not what trump's saying, doc. you know what he's saying? kung flu, baby. they designed this thing in a lab to come get us. that's why they're not being hurt as much. i know you said south korea and i'm referring to china. same thing. same thing in terms of the toxic politics of it. ha what's your response? >> well, i'll just -- you know, facts don't lie. there are 120,000 dead americans from this virus. there are at last count 270 people who have died from it in south korea. if you look on a population basis, if you had moved to south korea on january 20th when each of our countries had its first case, you would have been 70 times less likely to be killed by this virus. >> but he blames them for that.
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he says that the asians -- that's why he calls it kung flu, right? the chinese did this to us. that's why we're dying more. they may have some, like, other answer there. this was done to us. blame them. not him. >> what we need in this country is an organized response led federally, implemented at states, and you see states doing a good job. new york, new jersey, new mexico, really making progress driving down infections so people can go out again. on the other hand you see texas, arizona, florida, cases exploding. and they're going to continue to increase there. and as a doctor, as an epidemiologist and scientist, i want to be very clear. the increasing cases we're seeing in those states is not from more testing. it's from more disease. >> all right. so hold on, doctor. >> the disease is spreading. >> this is an important point. in the next block i was going to get into some of the politics of this. but why? that's like adding fuel to the fire. it's like sneezing on a virus.
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do me a favor. let me hold you over the break. let's keep talking about why some of these states are struggling, whether it's just, you know, what are the two options? the one is, well, this was always going to happen. it was always going to cascade through the country versus, no, we're not seeing the same kinds of measures in different places. only one of those things can be more true than the other. i want you to take us through it but right after this break. can you stay? >> sure. >> doctor, thank you very much. stay with us. at t-mobile, we know that connection is more important than ever. for customers 55 and up, we want you to get the value and service you need to stay connected. that's why we have a plan built just for you. saving 50% vs. other carriers with 2 unlimited lines for only $55. and we're here to help when you're ready to switch.
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when bipolar depression overwhelms, ask how vraylar can help. all right. we're joined by dr. tom frieden. he used to run the cdc. and, doc, the question is that we're seeing cases start to move around the country. and there are two possibilities at play. one is, well, this is nothing. this was always going to happen. it doesn't show that what you do matters. it was inevitable. versus, no, the reason new york and new jersey and connecticut are backing off is because of what they did, not just time, and the measures we're seeing are not the same in other parts of the country as you were referring to texas, arizona, for examples. explain. >> well, first off, with positivity rates increases, you know that that increase is real. what you need here is an adaptive response. you need to track the virus and like a dimmer dial move it up or
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down in terms of the physical distancing. remember the three w's, wear a mask, wash your hands, watch your distance. you do those three things, we can keep the virus at bay. communities and countries around the world do a better job with testing, isolation, contact tracing, quarantine, do better. less death, less disease and less economic devastation. >> why better? >> better because you can keep the virus at bay. >> why better than us? >> well, first off, they're testing strategically. that means you test patients when they're admitted to hospital. you test people in nursing homes so you don't have big explosive outbreaks. you test the contacts of patients with active disease. you figure out who's got the disease, you trace those webs and you stop them. you prevent cases from becoming clusters, clusters from becoming outbreaks and outbreaks from sending us back into our homes. >> what are we doing? >> if you do that, you protect health and livelihood. right here there is a lot of mask-wearing and some places and
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very little in other places. where you really worry about that is when you have a lot of people indoors. then you can have explosive spread. may take a while, a few weeks or even a few months to see it if you don't have a lot of cases but it will spread. you'll keep getting the results you're getting. that means more spread and eventually more hospitalizations and more deaths. >> the first "w" that you put out there, wear a mask. a lot of people want to turn the "w" upside down and make the "w" an "m" and say maybe, maybe a mask. it's optional. how do you feel about it as an option? >> well, i think rather than saying yes/no on masks, it's really about where and when. any time you're within six feet of someone else in a community where there is covid spreading, you need to wear a mask, particularly if you're indoors. that's important. if all of us wear a mask, all of us are safer. this is us against them. it's people against microbes. that's the other them here. the human beings against microbes. there was a great nobel prize
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winner josh letterberg who used to say the microbes outnumber us. it's our brains against their numbers and we have to be smart, and that means doing things that protect ourselves. if the choice is between wearing a mask and shutting down the economy, it's a no-brainer. the more we wear masks, the safer we are, and that's one of the things we can do to fight this virus so we can get our economy back and save lives. >> the idea of how effective a prophylactic it is. when you look at it as a seat belt or a helmet if you're going to be on a motorcycle, do you see it as a similar level of effectiveness? >> little different because when i wear a mask, i'm protecting you. when you wear a mask, you're protecting me. and when all of us wear a mask, all of us are safer. so this is about getting together to block the virus. this is about protecting our community. and even if you're young and healthy, you think you'll do
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fine with this virus, you could get it, not know you have it, spread it to someone who dies from it, a little girl with leukemia, your sister-in-law on treatment for breast cancer, someone who is older who will die. this is a deadly virus for some people, it's mild for others, but for us as a society, it can be devastating. >> doctor frieden, thank you very much for taking us through the realities of what to do and the reality of what's going to happen if we don't do it. god bless and be well. >> thanks, chris. >> all right. now, you may have heard rayshard brooks was laid to rest today. his situation is about him. it's about his family. but it is also about a pattern of behavior that so many in this country have had enough of. is that enough? this case and how it's handled is going to be watched by this country and by the world. now, the officers are talking about the cases against him. against them.
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and saying politics are involved. politicians are saying that this prosecution is about politics not proof. what does the top prosecutor who made the call say? we are lucky to have him tonight. next. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. daughter: slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide.
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fireworks, separation, or any other anxieties, (announcer) if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, thundershirt may be the answer. thundershirt, absolutely, 100% works. no doubt about it, when president trump holds a rally, people want to come. take a look at the crowd tonight. the president spoke to young supporters in phoenix. mask requirements largely ignored. now, here's the president again at a roundtable on border issues in yuma, arizona. again, no masks in sight. you just heard the former head of the cdc. you've heard the current head of the cdc. you've heard the most credible person in this country, dr. fauci, on this issue. all saying the same thing.
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you have to wear a mask if you want to make things better. so what's happening with masks? it's become a political issue. new coronavirus cases. hospitalizations are surging in arizona but the politics overwhelm it. the mayor of yuma, arizona is douglas nichols. he was at the roundtable with the president today and he joins us now on "prime time." thanks for being with us, mr. mayor. >> thanks for having me. >> in terms of your community, we have the cases for people. arizona has been hit hard, more in the bigger population center. yuma is starting to feel it. a little bit more acutely. you've got about 185 cases today up from 152 cases yesterday. four new people have lost their lives over the past few days. how great is your concern? >> our concern is great. we just did pass a mandate to wear masks at the meeting you were talking about, we did wear
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masks until we were all socially distant, when we were sitting -- when people stopped moving around is when my mask came off. >> i didn't see it in the footage, but i appreciate you giving the clarification. you just said you passed the measure. you were against the measure to mandate masks, were you not? >> i did vote against it, but i do fully support wearing of masks. what my concern was wasn't wearing the mask, it was mandating it by government. that people really need to take ownership of the issue. we're not -- the government should not be telling us absolutely everything we need to do. we need to understand what the experts are telling us and then take that personal responsibility to make that happen. >> are you against the arizona helmet law? >> no, sir. >> are you against the seat belt law? >> no, sir. >> so why would you be against masks if not for naked political play? >> well, it's not naked political play because i'm not doing anything on the national scale. i was voting in a local election
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-- i'm sorry, in a local action. >> mm-hmm. >> and if i was against it, i did not need my council to vote. i could have put the document out that said we didn't need to mandate masks, but instead, i went through the democratic process. we had our council convene. we voted on it. and right after that meeting, i crafted the language and issued that document to make masks mandated in the city of yuma, per the direction of our elected council. >> why am i wrong to suggest that you're trying to have it both ways? that you did the right things by the community, which is make sure that masks are mandatory so you can save some lives, and at the same time as a republican checked a box that you say what trump wants you say by voting against it. >> well, i don't know about what the president wanted me to say today. i'm sorry, last friday. i'm not sure what he wanted in to say. these are things as the mayor and in a proclamation of emergency status that we've been
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in the last few months, i'm very concerned about overreach. i'm very concerned about the government having to be the end-all be-all for everything. we're a nation of people, not a nation of a government, so the people need to own this action, not the government. so as the person that had to enact this and has that responsibility, i wanted to be clear that it's not something that i'm looking to lord over people. that this comes down to the individual. >> but that's -- but mr. mayor, that's exactly what it is. is something that you have to lord over them because it's like a seat belt. it's like a helmet. except by doing this, you not only help keep yourself safe but other residents and their families and vulnerable loved ones as well. look, they can come after you for how long you close the schools, for how long you keep businesses closed, for what you do with state services and functions, that's the government making decisions about when it's going to provide or not provide services. but when you know that the only thing that we have going for us
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that you can control is what you do with distance and what you do in terms of controlling your own face space. why would you see that as a liberty issue and not a necessary emergency measure. >> well, i see it as it is a necessary measure and it's the necessary measure that each one of us has to take. we all have to eat. we all have to do those things that keep us healthy. we all have to take the medicine. there are no laws that make those happen. >> but you can't make me sick by how you decide to eat. you know, i'm not -- you're not three big macs from making me fat. this is something different. this is what -- and, look, you know this, mr. mayor, because you made sure that the council was allowed to vote and did the right thing. why would you vote against something that you engineered to happen in the first place? doesn't make any sense. >> i did not engineer it. it is something that i put before the will of the people.
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>> right. >> we opened up in the outreach to the people the day before so that we could get as much input as we could get into that decision, and up until just right before the vote, i was debating either way to go on this issue. so there wasn't re-engineered, predefined vote. >> right. except you said you didn't need to do this. you said you could have done it yourself. you did it in the democratic process because you wanted the council to vote. you know they were going to vote in favor of it, so they voted in favor of it. you voted against it. all i'm saying is, mr. mayor, you did the right thing. you're keeping people safe in your community. i just don't understand why you'd want to send a mixed message. last word to you. >> i did not, did not know how the council was going to vote. that was debated right there in the meeting. arizona has very strict open meeting laws. i'm not allowed to poll my council beforehand. it happened there, it happened there live, real time in front of the people of yuma. >> what was the vote? >> so this idea i'm somehow trying to play both sides just
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isn't -- just isn't true. >> i take your argument, i'm just saying that, you know, you're happy that it happened but you voted against it, that's why i say it's a suggestion of a hedge. what was the vote on the council? >> it was 5-2. >> hmm. mr. mayor, thank you very much for joining us, for making the case, and for expressing the concern in your community. god bless you and i hope things get better soon. >> thank you. appreciate it. stay safe. >> thank you, sir. the prosecutor whose case will decide if the former officer who killed rayshard brooks will spend life in prison is here. people are coming after him. for how he's handling this case. what is his response to the critics? next. the tempur-pedic breeze° makes because the tempur-breeze° transfers heat away from your body. so you feel cool... night after night. during the tempur-pedic summer of sleep, save $500 on all tempur-breeze mattresses.
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rayshard brooks' death matters. period. to his family. to his community. that state. the country. and beyond. and you got to see a little bit of that today with the people whose pain filled ebenezer baptist church in atlanta. that was the funeral, but this cast a pall all over this
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country. it has to ensure justice, which is fairness under law, so it's going to be scrutinized heavily and it's going to be looked at also through the lens of politics. that's just the reality in this country. that scrutiny puts attention on the district attorney handling the murder prosecution who is an elected official, and is now in a tricky run-off, and that is fulton county d.a. paul howard. sir, thank you for joining us. i will respect the parameters of staying away from too many arguments in the case because i know you have a case to make in court, but thank you for joining us, sir. >> thank you for having us on, chris. >> one, sir, is the politics. doug collins, the -- a congressman from georgia, republican, had this to say about you and your handling of the case. >> you cannot prosecute cases until the investigation is over. you don't do it for politics. your job is to find justice for everyone, not race, not class, not anything else.
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>> so that's collins. plus the gbi saying, boy, we were surprised charges came down here. we weren't even done investigating and the suggestion from that becomes howard is in a tough campaign. he's playing politics with his prosecution. your response, sir? >> well, first of all, chris, as you know, doug collins is the ninth congressional representative, not the representative for fulton county. >> mm-hmm. >> i think you're also aware that his opponents have spent a lot of time talking about his weak law and order record, and i guess what congressman collins believes is by coming to atlanta and attacking me and showing his support for the atlanta police union, i think he believes it wipes out his record as a
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criminal defense attorney representing child molesters and defendants involved with domestic violence cases. i think his remarks were just way off the bean and i think they were clearly political because as you know, congressman collins is running for the u.s. senate. >> but does your campaign have anything to do, in your mind or your heart, with how you're doing your job? >> no. i think if you look at the record that that is absolutely erroneous. this will mark the 40th case that we have prosecuted involving police officers. this is the ninth case that involves a homicide. also, chris, this is the fourth case that we have asked for an arrest warrant prior to the time of an indictment. so it doesn't have anything to
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do with politics. what it has to do with is doing my job achieving justice for rayshard brooks. >> will you answer just one question. i don't think it violates your ethical parameter in terms of keeping it for the actual case. people are going to be watching this. there's going to be a -- two critical moments for the laypeople who are watching this. one is going to be whether or not the taser in a court of law is considered a deadly weapon. now, you have been theoretically applying a civil law standard to what they call a taser. the officers' counsel say, yeah, but under criminal law, as soon as he took the taser, which was a felony, and he pointed it as an untrained person at the police officer, now it's a deadly weapon. do you accept that argument and how compelling do you think it will be? >> think it's nonsense. i think it's simply a diversion from the real facts.
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this case has very little to do with the taser, chris. and i think some of the earlier presentations brought a taser into the whole equation, and i don't think the taser fits in. when mr. brooks was shot, he was running away. his back was turned. in fact, mr. brooks was some 18 feet 3 inches away from the police officer at the time the shot was fired. he did not fire the shot at the time that mr. brooks used the taser. i think this whole argument about the taser is way off the track, and i'm hopping th-- hopg that people will really get to the substance of this case, and i think what people should be talking about is why is it in this country that
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african-americans continue to get killed by police officers? >> understood. one other question and then i'll let you go and i appreciate the indulgence. the most painful thing that i've heard you put forward about this case was that you believe that you can prove that officer rolfe kicked rayshard brooks on the ground. defense counsel for the other officer involved, brosnan, says he's reviewed the tapes, there is no such visible action. if anything, there might have been a gesture of checking to see if brooks was down. what do you make of that and can you prove otherwise? >> well, if people can watch a videotape and see it, then we can prove it. i think that it will become obvious for the grand jurors and hopefully the petty jurors who will get a chance to see it, and hopefully it will be clear to the people in this country when they are examining this case.
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i think that not only did the kicking involve officer rolfe, but with respect to the other officer, it is clear that on two occasions he stood on mr. brooks' shoulder and then after that he stood on his arm, and i think those acts were truly despicable, to stand on this man and kick him after he had been shot twice, laying on the pavement, struggling for life. >> horrible allegations. mr. prosecutor, thank you very much. paul howard for joining us. you have a difficult case in front of you. the whole world will be watching. we will as well. thank you, sir. good luck going forward. >> and, again, thank you for having us, chris. >> you're always welcome to make the case to the people. you will always have an invitation. it is open. >> thank you. >> be well. all right. why good luck? because you need justice to be done. if he's got the better case, he should win. if the -- if it's not strong
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enough for the pet teat jury, different from a regular grand jury, it's a legal term. then he should lose. that's fairness under law. that's what we must all demand. the beginning of the end of it. to eradicate racism, however, that's very different, and that becomes about language and symbols, specifically of a confederate past. now, should confederate statues go down? seems that there is a consensus that says yes. but is the moment -- movement going too far? let ask a true expert on culture and history, ken burns, iconic documentary filmmaker, next. yo, you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can save for an emergency from here. or pay bills from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank.
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memorials depicting abraham lincoln standing over a black man. in recent days, statues of the founding fathers, george washington and thomas jefferson were toppled in oregon. san francisco, protesters tore down a statue of former preside president ulysses s. grant who led the federal army during the civil war. how far is too far? is this more hurtful than helpful in building a more perfect union? tough questions, great guest. legendary documentarian ken burns is here. great to see you. >> good to see you, chris. >> do you have answers? i think we're in the middle of an enormous reckoning right now in which the anxieties and the pains and the torments of centuries of injustice are bubbling up to the surface. it's very important for people
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like me, of my complexion, to be as quiet as possible and to listen. what i know from my reading of history is that the confederate monuments have to go. was being brutally reimposed over the confederacy, when ku klux klan. we see they're an attempt to rewrite history and to essentially celebrate a false narrative about what happened during the civil war and to send the wink winks, the dog whistles, as we're fond of saying today, across the generations of what the civil war was about. it's so interesting we're having this argument because the people that we memorialize, the
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nation's forts named after civil war generals, these are all people who fought to perpetuate slavery. these are people who responsible for the deaths of -- yes. these are people responsible for the deaths of the loyal american citizens. >> play to heritage. that i think is a losing argument. when you extend it to the founding fathers. lincoln. at least not in a memorial seen as above a black man. thomas jefferson, washington, grant, is there a danger in going too far? in your opinion. >> of course there's a danger in going too far. it's the passions of the moment. and let's think about it. for a second. let's hold off and reserve judgment.
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for one second and consider that more than quarter of the president's of the united states of america founded on the idea that all men are created equal, the guy who wrote that owned 300 human beings in his lifetime. by the way. more than a quarter of the united states presidents owned other human beings. this is a huge thing that we cannot just dismiss. but i would say that confederate monument for me is an easy decision. we have to get rid of them. they're not about heritage. this is about the reimposition of white supremacy in the south at various periods. there's nothing ability that names of the bases and forts should be changed. we taken down the statues. it's a good thing to do. and we now need to continue this reckoning by looking as carefully as we can, monuments are hugely important. they're acts of fact but also
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acts of mythology. they are acts of symbols. your father told me in the film on the statue of liberty. symbols are important. it works both ways in this regard. we have to look at each individual case beyond the confederate monuments and look. listen, the descendents of roosevelt want the statue taken away. roosevelt was actually good in many respects. invited booker t. washington to the white house took grief and never invited another black person there again. has a statue lower by a native american. >> we know the statue well. >> it looks like white supremacy. i'm happy to see we are on a case by case judgment moving through the questions. the most important thing is the reckoning.
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the most important thing is for us to not get to distracted by the arguments because the arts of too far are being happened on both sides. the issue is that for far too long in our country, citizens of african descent did not enjoy equal justice under the law. >> still don't. >> they were slaves for centuries and still don't have that. this is why in the most extraordinary of american times the covid-19 puts itself as one of the fore great crisis in american history the with civil war. depression and world war ii. we are in the middle of this extraordinary reckoning about our racial past. and we have to stop first and listen to those people who have born the brunt. you and i don't have the facilities to actually receive this information and to be able
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to transmit it to everyone else. we have to do a lot of listening and we have to permit mistakes to be made and people to overshoot the mark and rhetoric to be too inflammatory. for too long, people have had a knee at their neck. and these statues -- robert e. lee himself said in 1869 after the civil war, make no monument tos the confederate. it will only keep open the sores the wounds of this thing. >> there's an aspect of this about when the moment of when things were done also. that will be part of the retro spective design. you mention my pop earlier. i remember watching an earlier effort on the civil war. people have looked at that and said that series was a little too nice about the confederate. glorifying of them.
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should have said more about slavery. and a harsh indictment. when you look at the work do you think about that differently now? >> yeah. i do. in many ways, we would probably be making a different kind of film now. but let us remember that the very first chapter was a chapter called all night forever about the reality of slavery. one of the last moments of the film the african-american historian said that the civil war is still going on. it's still being fought. and regrettably can be lost. this is an interview in 1988. >> true today. >> and it is just as true today. and this is the great lesson of history. it gives us the perspective to make all the stories evergreen. we have to listen and learn. we can't throw everybody out. because if we erase the history we don't know where we have been.
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if we don't know where we've been we can't know where we are and where we're going. this requires study and reckoning. >> let's keep the dialogue going. you'll be invited back early and often to talk about what moments matter in the present and going forward and how we draw on the past. thank you, always a pleasure. we'll be right back. ta-da! did you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? given my unique lifestyle, that'd be perfect! let me grab a pen and some paper. know what? i'm gonna switch now. just need my desk... my chair... and my phone. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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11:00 pm


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